“The puzzling thing is that there is really a curious coincidence between astrological and psychological facts, so that one can isolate time from the characteristics of an individual, and also, one can deduce characteristics from a certain time…” Carl Jung

Ok, so what if you’re in a relationship now that you very much enjoy (or hate?), and this blog has told you that you are incompatible with your mate? Now what? Well, first of all, don’t freak out, this isn’t the all or end all type of situation. Yes, you may not be compatible, but it doesn’t mean you can’t work on the relationship. Don’t make this a self-fulfilling prophecy, whereby you hear something bad about your relationship and you now think it’s doomed. Not the case. It’s more of a “now you know the strengths/weaknesses in your relationship that you can work on if you really want to make it work.” This is the advice for those in a current relationship. Perhaps there are things you’ve learned about your partner from this blog – their ticks, strengths, or weaknesses. And remember, Zodiac signs are not 100% – there are other important elements in our relationships – such as CONTEXT – where someone is from, their background, their genetics, and all of those things together may help you understand your mate.

However, for those who are single, well then pay attention! When I first began researching this area, the joke with my friends was that I would always ask a potential mate or one of their potential mates “What’s his/her birthday?” It was a running joke, but now I actually think it holds more water. Zodiac stalking is quite fun! And that is honestly the first question I think of when meeting someone. Yes, that could be a potential bad thing, a bias if you will, but I also think it can give you an idea of who they may be, and it might save a lot of time “kissing a lot of frogs, before you meet the Prince.” Now again, I repeat myself: don’t judge someone just by their birthday, there’s a lot more to it (Moon, Planets, etc). Those smart phones are useful now – there’s apps for checking a person’s MOON SIGN (called “Moon Sign”) and having internet on your phone makes it easy to check a person’s birth chart! However, it may not guarantee you another date if you ask someone on the first date “Hey, what’s your birthday? Oh, and I need your time of birth and the location.” Yes, you might want to wait to ask that very odd question for a little while.



Good luck with your Zodiac Stalking endeavors!!

“Astrology is a science in itself, and contains an illuminating body of knowledge.  It has taught me many things, and I am greatly in debt to it.”  Albert Einstein           


Chinese Astrology (see is probably the oldest method and it is based on many things including animals, elements and the symbols of Ying (the Sun) and Yang (the Moon). Ancient astrologists describe the characteristics of 12 creatures and use these personality traits to make up the main formation of an astrological calendar. In Chinese Astrology each animal represents a year of birth and those people born in that period are believed to acquire some of the designated animal’s character. They additionally obtain an association with Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal or Water and will also be thought of as a Ying or Yang person. Western Astrology uses a less complicated system to determine the likely personality of individuals born at different times of the year. It has 12 symbols too and their period of reign is loosely connected to the twelve months in an annual yearly cycle. Some signs are symbolized by animals like Leo and Aries,  others by human representation like Virgo and Aquarius. In the case of Libra they are illustrated as the scales and the only sign with a materialistic attribute. Each of these star signs denotes a special set of typical features and traits bestowed on the person at the time of birth. Although Western Astrology is more simplified it can give rather accurate predictions to probable personality types. However it does only give a basic and sometimes generalized view of a person’s likely characteristics. If a more detailed analysis of a character is required it is often beneficial to look at both ways of gaining an insight.

Utilizing both Chinese and Western methods of thinking together can reveal a much clearer and fuller picture. It can help differentiate and explain why two people of the same sign have differing qualities and in varying strengths. The influences from the Chinese animals often adds the little extras to a personality. The correlation of Chinese and Western horoscopes is very useful information to examine for the purpose of a personality interpretation. Most people are aware of their Western sun sign and will recognize their similarity to the conventional average assumed traits. While this gives an adequate portrayal it can sometimes leave out the finer and more significant details of a person’s temperament. In order to fully assess someone’s traits and astrological forecast, we need to look beyond their elementary horoscope and into the deeper theories of the centuries old Chinese doctrines.

Identifying the Chinese “zodiac” reflects several similarities to the Western zodiac: both have time cycles divided into 12 parts (the majority of those parts with names of animals), and each is widely associated with attributing influence of a person’s relationship to the cycle upon their personality and/or events in their life. Nevertheless, there are major differences: the “Chinese” 12-part cycle corresponds to years rather than months. The Chinese zodiac is represented by 12 animals, whereas some of the signs in the Western zodiac are not animals. These are easier to discover because they are based on the year you were born, and are listed below (along with their positive and negative characteristics), along with the equivalent Western zodiac sign.

Rat: Positive: charming, protective, compassionate, communicative, dynamic, familial, thrifty, skillful, attractive, idealistic, prosperous, experimental, calm, sensual, loving, talented, adaptable, open-minded and brilliant entrepreneurs. Negative: possessive, picky, defensive, excessive, addictive, fickle, stingy, bossy, exploitive, anxious, argumentative, opinionated, overbearing and self-obsessed. Equivalent Western Sign is Sagittarius.

Years of the Rat:

02/18/1912-02/05/1913 02/05/1924-01/23/1925 01/24/1936-02/10/1937
02/10/1948-01/28/1949 01/28/1960-02/14/1961 02/15/1972-02/02/1973
02/02/1984-02/19/1985 02/19/1996-02/06/1997 02/06/2008-01/25/2009

Ox: Positive: patient, contemplative, skillful, eloquent, confident, familiar, authoritative, industrious and sure of foot. Negative: prejudice, chauvinistic, proud, tyrannical, petty, critical, eccentric, bigoted, conservative, grumpy and on occasion violent. Equivalent Western Sign is Capricorn.

Years of the Ox

02/06/1913-01/25/1914 01/24/1925-02/12/1926 02/11/1937-01/30/1938
01/29/1949-02/16/1950 02/15/1961-02/04/1962 02/03/1973-01/22/1974
02/20/1985-02/08/1986 02/07/1997-01/27/1998 01/26/2009-02/13/2010

Tiger: Positive: lovable, alluring, warm-hearted, altruistic, honorable, hard-working, pleasant, independant, engaging, dynamic and idealist sweetie pies. Negative: rash, hot-headed, reckless, infatuated, quarrelsome, caustic, moody, predatory, rebellious, disobedient and irreverent rascals. Equivalent Western Sign is Aquarius.

Years of the Tiger

01/26/1914-02/13/1915 02/13/1926-02/01/1927 01/31/1938-02/18/1939
02/17/1950-02/05/1951 02/05/1962-01/24/1963 01/23/1974-02/10/1975
02/09/1986-01/28/1987 01/28/1998-02/15/1999 02/14/2010-02/02/2011

Rabbit: Positive: sensitive, tactful, home-loving, refined, prudent, discreet, long-living, ambitious, cultured, well-mannered, artistic, considerate, scholarly, suave, graciously hospitable, modest and unimpeachably virtuous. Negative: snobbish, secretive, pedantic, complicated, haughtily indifferent, self-indulgent, hypochondriac, punctilious, judgmental, self-righteous, deceptive, self-centered and terminally condescending. Equivalent Western Sign is Pisces.

Years of the Rabbit

02/14/1915-02/02/1916 02/02/1927-01/22/1928 02/19/1939-02/08/1940
02/06/1951-01/26/1952 01/25/1963-02/12/1964 02/11/1975-01/30/1976
01/29/1987-02/16/1988 02/16/1999-02/04/2000 02/03/2011-01/22/2012

Dragon: Positive: vibrant, magnanimous, charismatic, principled, self-sufficient, discriminating, compelling, sentimental, accomplished, noble-hearted, healthy and prodigiously shrewd. Negative: bombastic, dissatisfied, ruthless, demanding, opinionated, mawkish, egocentric, defensive, power-mad, foolhardy, willful and pompous. Equivalent Western Sign is Aries.

Years of the Dragon

02/03/1916-01/22/1917 01/23/1928-02/09/1929 02/09/1940-01/26/1941
01/27/1952-02/13/1953 02/13/1964-02/01/1965 01/31/1976-02/17/1977
02/17/1988-02/05/1989 02/05/2000-01/23/2001 01/23/2012-02/09/2013

Snake: Positive: amiable, compromising, fun-loving, altruistic, honorable, sympathetic, philosophical, charitable, a paragon of fashion, intuitive, discreet, diplomatic, amusing and sexy. Negative: self-righteous, imperious, judgmental, conniving, mendacious, grabby, clinging, pessimistic, fickle, haughty, ostentatious and a very sore loser. Equivalent Western Sign is Taurus.

Years of the Snake

01/23/1917-02/10/1918 02/10/1929-01/29/1930 01/27/1941-02/14/1942
02/14/1953-02/02/1954 02/02/1965-01/20/1966 02/18/1977-02/06/1978
02/06/1989-01/26/1990 01/24/2001-02/11/2002 02/10/2013-01/30/2014

Horse: Positive: productive, enthusiastic, amusing, warm-hearted, talented, agreeable, industrious, generous, sociable, autonomous, strong minded, sexy, curious, persuasive and logical. Negative: defiant, condescending, unscrupulous, anxious, moody, excessively pragmatic, opportunistic, hard-nosed, self-serving and so obtuse as to seem to have gone both blind and deaf at once. Equivalent Western Sign is Gemini.

Years of the Horse

02/11/1918-01/31/1919 01/30/1930-02/16/1931 02/15/1942-02/04/1943
02/03/1954-01/23/1955 01/21/1966-02/08/1967 02/07/1978-01/27/1979
01/27/1990-02/14/1991 02/12/2002-01/31/2003 01/31/2014-02/18/2015

Goat (aka Ram or Sheep): Positive: appealing, altruistic, creative, empathetic, intuitive, generous, artless, gentle, romantic, sensitive, compliant, candid and self-effacing darlings. Negative: self-pitying, pessimistic, fugitive, parasitic, vengeful, lazy, indecisive, contentious, violent, capricious, irresponsible, tardy, careless, bigoted, nasty little pieces of work. Equivalent Western Sign is Cancer.

Years of the Goat/Ram/Sheep

02/01/1919-02/19/1920 02/17/1931-02/05/1932 02/05/1943-01/24/1944
01/24/1955-02/11/1956 02/09/1967-01/29/1968 01/28/1979-02/15/1980
02/15/1991-02/03/1992 02/01/2003-01/21/2004 02/19/2015-02/07/2016

Monkey: Positive: reasonable, faithful, autonomous, candid, altruistic, successful, inventive, co-operative, loving, intelligent, individualistic and generous entertainers. Negative: hyperemotional, capricious, guileful, self-indulgent, immature, insecure, indifferent, careless, gullible, petty and grabby scene-stealers. Equivalent Western Sign is Leo.

Years of the Monkey

02/20/1920-02/07/1921 02/06/1932-01/25/1933 01/25/1944-02/12/1945
02/12/1956-01/30/1957 01/30/1968-02/16/1969 02/16/1980-02/04/1981
02/04/1992-01/22/1993 01/22/2004-02/08/2005 02/08/2016-01/27/2017

Rooster: Positive: forthright, brave, enthusiastic, loyal, hardworking, tenacious, resilient, adventurous, meticulous, prompt, astute, well-dressed, proficient, down-to-earth, gregarious, communicative, sensible, generous, charming, ebullient and terminally witty. Negative: cranky, fussy, vain, self-involved, blindly egotistical, over-zealous, pretentious, materialistic, grabby, high-handed, cynical, mercurial, self-absorbed and quixotic as hell. Equivalent Western Sign is Virgo.

Years of the Rooster

02/08/1921-01/27/1922 01/26/1933-02/13/1934 02/13/1945-02/01/1946
01/31/1957-02/17/1958 02/17/1969-02/05/1970 02/05/1981-01/24/1982
01/23/1993-02/09/1994 02/09/2005-01/28/2006 01/28/2017-02/15/2018

Dog: Positive: attentive, well meaning, helpful, warm-hearted, altruistic, modest, devoted, philosophical, dutiful, discreet, intelligent and enthusiastic. Negative: nasty, mean-spirited, disagreeable, bad-tempered, self-righteous, judgmental, quarrelsome, accusing, nervous, anxious and impossible to live with. Equivalent Western Sign is Libra.

Years of the Dog

01/28/1922-02/15/1923 02/14/1934-02/03/1935 02/02/1946-01/21/1947
02/18/1958-02/07/1959 02/06/1970-01/26/1971 01/25/1982-02/12/1983
02/10/1994-01/30/1995 01/29/2006-02/17/2007 02/16/2018-02/04/2019

Pig: Positive: sensible, sensual and sensitive, sweetly naive, caring, self-sacrificing, erudite, talented, open-handed, candid, outgoing, amusing, charitable, obliging, graciously hospitable and virtuous. Negative: hot-tempered, pessimistic, outrageously epicurean, earthy to a fault, sardonic, snobbish, snide, authoritarian, competitive, know-it-all, stingy, victimized and sometimes downright criminally mad at the world. Equivalent Western Sign is Scorpio.

Years of the Pig

02/16/1923-02/04/1924 02/04/1935-01/23/1936 01/22/1947-02/09/1948
02/08/1959-01/27/1960 01/27/1971-02/24/1972 02/13/1983-02/01/1984
01/31/1995-02/18/1996 02/18/2007-02/06/2008 02/05/2019-01/24/2020

In addition, Chinese Astrology is important in compatibility ( So think of someone you know that may fall under a certain Sun sign and also a certain Chinese zodiac sign. Perhaps it explains why some people have such strong SUN signs, while others are mixed. It’s the combinations of these that I think can really explain a person’s personality. You decide!


Numerology is the study of numbers and each letter has a numeric value. You can discover your number by adding the sum of the numbers in your birth date. There are eleven numbers used in constructing Numerology charts. These numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 22. Larger numbers that occur from adding the numbers in the complete birth date are reduced by adding the digits together until the sum achieved is one of the core numbers. Merely add the components of the larger number together (repeatedly, if necessary) until a single digit (or the “master” numbers 11 or 22) results. It is easy to calculate. Simply add up the digits of your birth data, and keep “reducing” (explained via the example here) to a single digit. Example: My birthday is February 16, 1981, for example, note it as follows: Birth Month is February, which is the 2nd month = 2; Birth Day is 16 = 16; Birth Year is 1981 = 1981. Add up the digits of all of these numbers: 2+1+6+1+9+8+1 =28. Further “reduce” this number to a single digit by adding its digits: 2+8 = 10. And then further reduce it, if necessary: 1+0 = 1. The final digit, 1, is the Birth Path Number! Each of these numbers represents different characteristics and expressions (find more information at: and

#1: One is the leader and indicates the ability to stand alone. Keywords: independent, creative, original, ambitious, determined, self-assured. If expressed negatively: arrogant, stubborn, impatient, self-centered. As lovers: take the lead in love; Love and/or the chase is of utmost importance to these lovers. There can be self-centeredness, however. These lovers are willing to experiment, and they can be quite exciting–they can also require a lot of excitement because they can bore easily. Most like a LEO.

#2: This is the mediator and peace-lover and indicates the desire for harmony. It is a gentle, considerate, and sensitive vibration. Keywords: diplomatic, warm, peaceful, sensitive. If expressed negatively: too dependent, manipulative, passive-aggressive. As lovers: will bend over backwards to keep a relationship running smoothly. They offer emotional security to their lovers. It is associated with the Moon and, since the Moon rules Cancer in astrology, is similar to the CANCER vibration.

#3: is a sociable, friendly, and outgoing vibration. Kind, positive, and optimistic, they enjoy life and have a good sense of humor. Keywords: jovial, friendly, positive, adventurous, self-expressive. If expressed negatively: extravagant, scattered, superficial. As lovers: are fun, energetic, and willing to experiment. These lovers need space and contact with others in order to feel content. If they feel confined, they will be unhappy and restless. Allowed the freedom to socialize and scatter their energies, they are exciting and happy lovers. Most like a SAGITTARIUS.

#4: This is the worker. Practical, with a love of detail, they are trustworthy, hard-working, and helpful. Keywords: steady, logical, self-disciplined, problem-solving. If expressed negatively: contrary, stubborn, narrow. As lovers: Although steady and generally trustworthy, they can be quite emotional and frustrated if they feel caged in. They tend to need some level of confrontation in their love lives. A relationship that stagnates will bring out their contrary nature. They love to solve problems, and if allowed to “take on” and tackle predicaments, they are very loyal lovers. Most like a VIRGO or TAURUS.

#5: This is the freedom lover and is an intellectual vibration. These are “idea” people with a love of variety and the ability to adapt to most situations. Keywords: adaptable, freedom-loving, romantic, resourceful, witty, fun-loving, curious, flexible, accommodating. If expressed negatively, non-committal, irresponsible, inconsistent. As lovers: These lovers are generally attractive to the opposite sex, as they are adaptable, curious, and friendly. Their wit and love of fun is unmistakable. In order to be happy in love, they need some level of change and variety. They also require mental stimulation. They are quick to adapt to ups and downs, but when under-stimulated, they can be inconsistent and resisting of making commitments. Most like a GEMINI.

#6: This is the peace lover and is a loving, stable, and harmonious vibration. Keywords: compassionate, stable, family-loving, trustworthy, domesticated. If expressed negatively, superficial, jealous, possessive, unwilling to change. As lovers: a deep dislike of discord and will generally work hard at keeping the peace. They are very attached to their homes and their families. At their best, they are devoted and stable partners who do whatever they can to maintain balance and harmony. At their worst, they take their peace-loving natures too far, and become lethargic, diplomatic to the point of superficiality, and jealous. Most like a LIBRA.

#7: This is the deep thinker and is a spiritual vibration. These people are not very attached to material things, are introspective, and generally quiet. Keywords: unusual, introspective, intuitive, psychic, wise, reserved. If expressed negatively: melancholic, odd, leaves too much to chance, hard to reach. As lovers: are a little spaced out, and sometimes hard to reach and to understand. However, their disinterest in material things and focus on spirituality makes for interesting, if a little kooky, bed partners and mates. They are intuitive, some are psychic, and although they can be loners at different times in their lives, they are often devoted partners. They can reach levels of intimacy and romance beyond many people’s imaginations. However, their goals in love may be too lofty and thus they can be prone to disappointment when relationships inevitably fall short of ideal. Most like a PISCES.

#8: This is the manager and is a strong, successful, and material vibration. Keywords: ambitious, business-minded, practical, leading, authoritative, successful, courageous, accomplished, organized.  If expressed negatively: tense, narrow, materialistic, forceful. As lovers: take a commitment with responsibility and bravery. When they treat relationships like business deals, however, they can easily alienate partners and fall short of creating a tolerant and romantic atmosphere. Eights are generally practical and secure, and offer their mates stability and security. Most like a CAPRICORN.

#9: This is the teacher and is a tolerant, somewhat impractical, and sympathetic vibration. Keywords: jack of all trades, humanitarian, sympathetic, helpful, emotional, tolerant, active, determined. If expressed negatively: financially careless, moody, bullying, overly emotional, sullen, restless. As lovers: are involved and helpful. Because they are sympathetic, they can easily be doormats. They show their love by helping their partners, and assuming their lovers’ problems. If triggered, their emotions can be volcanic, and a seemingly meek personality can resort to bullying tactics when unhappy. Most like a SCORPIO.

#11: This is the giver and is an innovator with an unmistakable streak of humanitarianism. Keywords: idealistic, intuitive, considerate, tolerant, accepting, steadfast.  If expressed negatively: too dependent, over-sensitive, manipulative. As lovers: are romantic in the idealistic sense of the word. They want to see good in people, and they find it. Elevens are the least selfish lovers, and they are extremely considerate. They won’t push you to do anything. They hold onto their partners (and their friends) and they are the masters of compromise. Elevens are tolerant and accepting. Most like an AQUARIUS.

#22: This is the master builder. Although Number Twenty-twos are idealists and visionaries, they still manage to keep their feet on the ground. Keywords: achiever, wise, intense, idealistic, resourceful, passionate. If expressed negatively: overly emotional, destructive, dramatic. As lovers: It’s all or nothing with these lovers. They don’t seem capable of doing things halfway, and that includes their relationships. They are generally bent on achieving in life, and their sheer intensity is something people either love or hate. Most like a LEO.

In addition, you can use the birth name–the name given a person at birth–to determine the Name Number (also known as the Expression Number), which reveals the overall personality. However, this has little to do with your birth date, so I’m not going to go into this further, but you can read much more about this online.


This post is dedicated to comparing Astrology and the zodiac signs with other philosophies that are intertwined in our culture, such as personality tests (specifically the Myers-Briggs personality test). Most people who discuss zodiacs do so from one perspective, but my goal in the past year was to compare zodiacs to other philosophies to discover the similarities and discrepancies with other views. I discovered a lot more than I planned. Here are my thoughts on the matters (again, I’m no expert, but I did my research).

Personality tests. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. It has been called “the world’s most widely used personality assessment” with as many as two million assessments administered annually. However, some academic psychologists have criticized the MBTI instrument, claiming that it “lacks convincing validity data”. So the basis behind this most popular personality test – basically, why I am bringing this up – is that if our society believes heavily on an instrument such as this (which has little validity – aka truth), then why can’t we give zodiacs and Astrology some credit? My point – Astrology should get some credit in our personality, behaviors, or at the very least, our compatibilities with others.

Here is the list of Myers-Briggs personality types, essentially 16 types of personalities (please refer to this website to figure out where you stand by answering the questions:

ISTJ – The Duty Fulfillers: Quiet, serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily, regardless of distractions. Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized – their work, their home, their life. Value traditions and loyalty. Estimated to be between 7 and 10 percent of the American population.

ESTJ – The Guardians: Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact. Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions. Organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible. Take care of routine details. Have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and want others to also. Forceful in implementing their plans. Estimated to be between 12 and 15 percent of the American population.

ISFJ – The Nurturers: Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Committed and steady in meeting their obligations. Thorough, painstaking, and accurate. Loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel. Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home. Estimated to be between 7 and 10 percent of the American population.

ESFJ – The Caregivers: Warmhearted, conscientious, and cooperative. Want harmony in their environment, work with determination to establish it. Like to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time. Loyal, follow through even in small matters. Notice what others need in their day-by-day lives and try to provide it. Want to be appreciated for who they are and for what they contribute. Estimated to be between 11 and 14 percent of the American population. This is my personality (majority of the time).

ISTP – The Mechanics: Tolerant and flexible, quiet observers until a problem appears, then act quickly to find workable solutions. Analyze what makes things work and readily get through large amounts of data to isolate the core of practical problems. Interested in cause and effect, organize facts using logical principles, value efficiency. Estimated to be between 4 and 7 percent of the American population.

ESTP – The Doers: Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them – they want to act energetically to solve the problem. Focus on the here-and-now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others. Enjoy material comforts and style. Learn best through doing. Estimated to be between 6 and 8 percent of the American population.

ESFP – The Performers: Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Exuberant lovers of life, people, and material comforts. Enjoy working with others to make things happen. Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work, and make work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments. Learn best by trying a new skill with other people. Estimated to be between 8 and 10 percent of the American population.

ISFP – The Artists: Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what’s going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others. Estimated to be between 5 and 7 percent of the American population.

ENTJ – The Executives: Frank, decisive, assume leadership readily. Quickly see illogical and inefficient procedures and policies, develop and implement comprehensive systems to solve organizational problems. Enjoy long-term planning and goal setting. Usually well informed, well read, enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others. Forceful in presenting their ideas. Estimated to be between 3 and 5 percent of the American population.

INTJ – The Scientists: Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance – for themselves and others. Estimated to be between 1 and 2 percent of the American population.

ENTP – The Visionaries: Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Good at reading other people. Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another. Estimated to be between 4 and 6 percent of the American population.

INTP – The Thinkers: Seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. Theoretical and abstract, interested more in ideas than in social interaction. Quiet, contained, flexible, and adaptable. Have unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in their area of interest. Skeptical, sometimes critical, always analytical. Estimated to be between 3 and 4 percent of the American population.

ENFJ – The Givers: Warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible. Highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. Find potential in everyone, want to help others fulfill their potential. May act as catalysts for individual and group growth. Loyal, responsive to praise and criticism. Sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership. Estimated to be between 3 and 5 percent of the American population.

INFJ – The Protectors: Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision. Estimated to be between 1 and 2 percent of the American population.

ENFP – The Inspirers: Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency. Estimated to be between 6 and 7 percent of the American population.

INFP – The Idealists: Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want an external life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened. Estimated to be between 3 and 4 percent of the American population.

Here’s another great website to learn more about your typology: .

What’s great about the Myers-Briggs typologies is that it discusses compatibilities (read more at:  When researchers Tieger and Barron-Tieger examined couples on these typologies, they found that, in general, more similar couples experienced a higher rate of satisfaction with their partner, which has been found in most research (“birds of a feather flock together” are happier). However, there were some combinations that worked well despite having fewer preferences in common, and some pairings of similar partners that weren’t quite so successful. So figure out your relationship with your romantic partner and decide for yourself!



If you’re not familiar with the meaning of Cusps, then you’re not alone. It’s not often discussed on many astrology websites. Cusps refers to falling in between 2 signs, typically around the 18-22 of each month, so if your birthday is one of those numbers, then most likely you are a Cusp. “Cuspers” are quite unique, they have the potential to be multiple personalities, but in a good way! They may have strengths and weaknesses from 2 distinct zodiac signs and may explain why they are a little more unique than someone with their same zodiac sign. I’ve read that Cuspers are more attracted to other fellow Cuspers! How cool! And it’s not like we seek out people asking, “Hey, what’s your birthday?” before you even meet. Cuspers are probably drawn to each other in some unique mystical way, or I like to think. Here’s a great website that discusses the Cusps: and below is a quick breakdown of each one:

ARIES/TAURUS CUSP: Between about April 16 to April 23, you were born on The Cusp of Power and you are indeed a force to be reckoned with. Authoritative and bold, Aries-Taurus cuspers are natural born leaders. They’ll take charge at work or at home, and the two signs’ energies mix well for success – impulsive Aries lends energy and pushes forward toward goals, while practical Taurus takes care of all the details. One area to watch is that of being too forceful, and barreling right over the opinions and desires of others.

TAURUS/GEMINI CUSP: Between about May 16 to May 24, you’re one of the most youthful and go-getting cuspers of ‘em all. Those born on this cusp have the bonus of being both physically strong and mentally agile, which makes them stable and driven, as well as clever and communicative. Such traits give these cuspers the ability to adapt to many different situations and people, and to want to do it all — and to do it a lot.

GEMINI/CANCER CUSP: Between about June 19 and June 24, you were born on a magical cusp and your life will be an inspiration to others. Caring and devoted, those born on this cusp infuse the world around them with lighthearted kindness, and are able to find inspiration in the ordinary — then share what they’ve learned with others. The effect can be truly inspiring.

CANCER/LEO CUSP: Between about July 19 to July 26, you were born of a conflicting mix of water and fire, and can be shy and sensitive one moment and gregarious drama queens the next. The danger here is that you might be either so sensitive or so insensitive that you’ll come across as self-absorbed either way.

LEO/VIRGO CUSP: Between about August 18 to August 26, you were born on the Cusp of Exposure — which isn’t nearly as naughty as it sounds. In fact, these cuspers are more likely to be found working hard, arguing their position or studying a new intellectual pursuit than they are of playing around — but that doesn’t mean they aren’t any fun. There’s a bit of conflicting energy to these souls that arises from the Leo need for drama and attention meeting Virgo’s more antisocial tendencies, so it’s not uncommon for them to go to one extreme or another: Loud and direct, or silent and secretive.

VIRGO/LIBRA CUSP: Between about September 19 and September 24, known as “The Cusp of Beauty.” Individuals born on this cusp are ruled by both Mercury and Venus — respectively, the planet of communication and the planet of love. Sounds like a pretty delightful combination, right? It is, indeed. Beauty cuspers are balanced — with sensitivities to both their internal and external worlds — and they are deep thinkers who often are physically attractive, to boot. They are drawn to aesthetically pleasing people, objects, art and nature, and quick to keep up with the latest trends.

LIBRA/SCORPIO CUSP: Between about October 19 and October 27 — you’ll likely inherit some dynamic qualities from each of these two known as the Cusp of Drama and Criticism. The end result is a powerful combination of intellect, drive, flamboyance and sexuality that will wow the masses… but may prove too much for some to handle.

SCORPIO/SAGITTARIUS CUSP: Between about November 19 to 26, is known as The Cusp of Revolution, and these people are full of strength and rebellious energy. Individuals born on this cusp possess the bold, aggressive qualities of Scorpio along with the active and adaptable traits of Sagittarius. They are likely to be accomplished because they have that intense Scorpio passion combined with the typical Sagittarius way of charging right into action. But sometimes they are so action oriented they can be characterized as rebellious – and maybe even accused of running wild!

SAGITTARIUS/CAPRICORN CUSP: Between about December 16 and December 26, you were born on The Cusp of Prophecy, and that’s a beautiful thing. An ideal blend of optimist and pragmatist, these cuspers have both the vision to create successful ideas and the determination and drive to make them a reality. Having a birthday on the cusp of these two Sun signs alone points to unparalleled success.

CAPRICORN/AQUARIUS CUSP: Between about January 14 and January 26, you were born on The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, and there’s never a dull moment. Whether outwardly flamboyant or shy and quiet, these cuspers always have much excitement going on internally. They have vivid dreams and rich fantasies that need to be expressed creatively if they’re to be happy. Prone to leading unusual lives, “Capriquarians” often struggle to balance the two very different sides of their personalities — they are reserved yet social, security-craving but independent, and traditional yet offbeat. They love to talk and entertain, and they especially enjoy intellectually stimulating conversations about any manner of strange topics. This is why no matter how hard they work or how dedicated they are to achieving their goals, things are never dull. While hard-work and high standards bring these cuspers much success in most career endeavors, they can have more difficulty maintaining personal relationships. This is perhaps due to a need for independence, and a tendency to seem aloof and critical — sometimes even selfish. However, if they can put forth the loyal, funny and friendly sides of themselves they’ll make fast friends.

AQUARIUS/PISCES CUSP: Between about February 16 to 26, you were born on The Cusp of Sensitivity — a compassionate and imaginative place. Spiritual, artistic, peace-loving and friendly, these cuspers are highly original people. This is the cusp most likely to be labeled “offbeat” or “eccentric,” and its citizens are stimulated by visionary ideas and new experiences. They are highly intellectual, however not so good with practical details and follow-through. These cuspers may be social or shy, or they may be a peculiar mix of both. This is because pending time with others is a great stress relief, but at the same time they are so sensitive they often choose to hide out alone and escape into their imaginations instead.

PISCES/ARIES CUSP: Between about March 16 to March 24, are an intriguing mix of fiery impulsiveness and imaginative daydreamer, which is actually pretty excellent because it means you’re both a doer and a dreamer. A bit impatient and very direct, “Pisaries” peeps can sometimes rub others the wrong way by refusing to compromise. Why compromise when you are always right, they wonder? But at the same time this does make them great leaders.



I always feel like this is where I start sounding really crazy, I start getting weird looks, when I discuss planets with people! First of all, there are a bundle of planets that are important in the birth chart, but I’m going to focus only on 2 of them, the more essential ones in my opinion. Obviously, if you are interested in the other ones, you should definitely read up on them, and Café Astrology does an excellent job of breaking down each planet. Those planets include Mercury (which is how you communicate to others), Venus (your love style), Mars (your aggressive side), Jupiter (generosity and tolerance of others), Saturn (our limitations and fears), Uranus (our future), Neptune (intuition, spiritual), and Pluto (truths, deeper meaning). Notice Earth is missing – well that’s because it encompasses so much else, such as our element, whether we are FIRE, EARTH, AIR, or WATER. I’m only going to focus on VENUS and MARS for now. These two planets are ones that I always look for in understanding someone and tell a lot about a person. I haven’t found as much use for the others, but again, this is just my opinion.


VENUS is our love style, and as someone who studies mate selection, this is very important to understand whether 2 people are compatible with their love styles (especially in a romantic relationship). In a parent or peer relationship, it may be less important, but obviously how we love and want to be loved is always essential in any relationship. Venus is the Goddess of Love. In Astrology, VENUS rules our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasure we take in life. Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by VENUS. We can then learn about our tastes, pleasures, artistic inclinations, and what makes us happy.

Now I have found patterns with the planets, where typically they are similar to your SUN sign, but not always the case. For example, my SUN sign is Aquarius and oddly enough both my MERCURY and VENUS signs are Aquarius as well. Again, you’re going to have to calculate your VENUS through a calculator (Café Astrology). Below are some tidbits from the various VENUS love styles, along with a possible heading for you singles out there!

ARIES: These people flirt by being up-front, direct, and even daring. They try to win you over by expressing how enterprising and independent they are. Their style of expressing love can be maddeningly “me”-centered, but the right person for them will find this approach charming. People get turned on by Venus in Aries’ aura of innocent charm, even when they are being childish and impatient.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I have a strong sense of adventure. I will win you over. I’m self-taught and self-sufficient.”

TAURUS: These people project themselves as solid and comfortable. In fact, something about their manner promises they will be satisfying lovers and partners. They need a certain measure of predictability and dependability in their relationships.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I am a dependable guy/gal. My ideal date consists of good food, fine wine, and cuddling up with each other at home.”

GEMINI: These people will try to win over the object of their affection with witty conversation, displaying just how much they “know”, and demonstrating their diverse interests. These lovers are playful — some might even call them a tease. They are hard to pin down, and they resist relationships that promise to become too “comfortable”.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I am fun-loving. My ideal date consists of going to a cafe, taking in a movie, and talking about it.”

CANCER: Love for Venus in Cancer is best when it is committed and rather predictable. These people are sensitive in love. You may even say their egos are a little underdeveloped when it comes to love, but they have a lot to give in return: namely, security, comfort, and care.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I’m just a regular guy/gal. I’ve built a solid foundation. I’m comfortable and comforting. I care. I stick around. My ideal date consists of eating in, and snuggling up to each other.”

LEO: When Venus in Leo people are in love, they are proud, even boastful. They love to court and be courted, and they need to feel very special. They are warm, generous, and even grand. Though really quite loyal to their partners (remember that love is THE most important thing in Leo’s life), they thrive on attention from the opposite sex.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I’m warm-hearted and fun. I’m funny, and experienced. Let me show you a good time.”

VIRGO: Venus in Virgo people are not the flirtatious sort. Instead, their appeal lies in their dedication, their willingness to work on the relationship, and to make the relationship work in real terms. Their gifts are less showy, but perhaps far more generous — gifts of devotion and attention to details about you.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I will care for you, and do lots of little things for you. I will help you.”

LIBRA: Venus in Libra people will try to impress you with their kindness, evenhandedness, and willingness to make your relationship work. They have a polished manner in love, which sometimes makes them appear insincere or superficial. They are gentle lovers who hate to be offended. They are threatened by bad manners and direct or abrasive expression of feelings. They not only prefer to choose the middle road, they seek the middle ground in their relationships. You can expect to be treated fairly, and you may be turned on by Venus in Libra’s willingness to concede and adjust their lives to fully accommodate you.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I’m just a nice guy/gal — some say I’m too nice. I’m romantic and love good conversations. I will please you. All I ask for is fairness.”

SCORPIO: Venus in Scorpio people attract others with their intensity and willingness to commit. They have a strong and concentrated manner which suggests their feelings run deep. Their actions in love tend to promise deep commitment and sexual pleasure, even if they are not telling you this directly. Their appeal lies in their focus on you, and their dedication. Venus in Scorpio seems fearless when it comes to intimacy. Potential lovers get the feeling that Venus in Scorpio will never stray, that they are intensely loyal to the one they love. They possess you, and somehow make it seem attractive to be possessed.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I’m emotional and deep. I’ll be very loyal too, forever. I’m looking for commitment. I’ll make you happy in bed.”

SAGITTARIUS: When Venus in Sagittarius people are in love, they need to feel they can grow and expand their horizons through their relationship. They want to learn new things, and experience everything together. These are idealistic lovers who want you to appreciate their beliefs, visions, and ideals. They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. They are roamers and seekers, and don’t commit in their relationships as easily as others.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I am fun and funny. I have joie de vivre and I love to laugh. I am open to experience.”

CAPRICORN: Venus in Capricorn people will try to win your heart by displaying self-control, presence of mind, and responsible behavior. These lovers want you to know they are goal-oriented, witty, savvy, and controlled. Nobody can get the best of them. They want you to see just how competent they are. They like some measure of predictability in their relationships as they are cautious in love.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I have a good job, I invest wisely. I will give you security. Marriage and family are important to me.”

AQUARIUS: Venus in Aquarius people try to impress you with their open-minded, future-thinking spirit. They want you to see them as unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. They are attractive when they are acting a little aloof. They want you to acknowledge and appreciate that they don’t follow the beaten track in matters of the heart.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I’m liberal. I’m not possessive. I’m looking for a friend in a lover. I’m unique. Let’s talk and have some fun.”

PISCES: Venus in Pisces people project themselves as dreamy, soft-hearted partners. Everything about the way they flirt promises a lovely time. Theirs is an elusive charm — they are sweetly playful, a little moody, and perhaps a little irregular. They appreciate romance and poetry, and they prefer to “feel out” both you and the relationship you share, so don’t expect too much planning ahead.

POSSIBLE MATCH.COM PROFILE: “I will love you for you. I will accept you. Even if the rest of the world thinks you are unlovable, I will see you for what you really are.”


As for MARS, it’s our aggressive side, and quite telling for some people. MARS, the God of War, is the ruler of Aries. In astrology, Mars is the planet of energy, action, and desire. It is the survival instinct, and can be thought of as the “leftover” animal nature of man.  Mars rules our animal instincts for aggression, anger, and survival. Our sexual desires come under the rule of Mars. Whereas Venus rules romantic attraction, Mars is most associated with basic body attraction. This is the planet of action rather than reaction. With Mars, there is no contemplation before action. The drive associated with Mars differs from that of the Sun in that it is self-assertion rather than assertion of the will; it is raw energy rather than creative energy. As before, here’s a quick guide to your MARS style:

ARIES: This is a very impulsive position of Mars. The first instinct for Mars in Aries natives is to take action. Quick flare-ups characterize the Mars in Aries character, but their anger usually doesn’t last for too long. In fact, these people generally don’t live in the past, and are not given to holding grudges or feeling resentful. Generally, their temper comes quickly, and they deal with anger on issues right away—with this kind of character, there is little room for festering.

TAURUS: “Slow and steady wins the race” could easily be a motto for Mars in Taurus. These goal-oriented people are not known for their speed, but their staying power is tremendous. Generally calm and easygoing people, Mars in Taurus natives can have powerful tempers when they’re overly provoked. They generally don’t fly off the handle as quickly as others.

GEMINI: Easily bored, Mars in Gemini natives need a fresh change of pace frequently just to keep energy levels up. It’s a somewhat odd thing, really. When there’s nothing much to do, these natives are exhausted. But if there’s plenty of interesting things on their agenda, Mars in Gemini natives can be powerhouses! More than most people, these individuals have a physical reaction to boredom.

CANCER: This position inclines toward passive-aggressiveness. These people seem to resist change and to shy away from direct confrontations. They need to feel secure before they act. As a result, they can appear rather slow at times. Their motto is “The best offence is defense”. They may appear weak to some, but they can be very strong. Their strength lies in their tenaciousness.

LEO: This position of Mars gives a drive for significance. Mars in Leo individuals possess a strong need to create in some way—and they are determined that their lives have not only meaning, but significant meaning! Passions run high, and so does desire. There is a strong will that gives these natives much staying power. Though Mars in Leo people will enjoy the pleasures of risk-taking, they generally have a strong sense of reason at the end of the day.

VIRGO: These productive and busy people are goal-oriented, practical people. Although they can be a little scattered at times, simply because they are doing so many things at any given time, Mars in Virgo natives get things done—quite well! They have a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time. Most Mars in Virgo natives are not particularly aggressive by nature. Although they can be a little hard-nosed and critical at times, they rarely resort to pushing others around. Still, an annoyed Mars in Virgo native can be difficult to be around! Arouse their anger and they turn into complaining, over-critical nags.

LIBRA: Mars in Libra natives often reflect about things before they act. Decisiveness is not their strong point, but they do, eventually, get things done. Many people with this position procrastinate, generally because they feel the need to weigh all of the alternatives before taking action.

SCORPIO: Mars in Scorpio natives love to challenge themselves to do the impossible. They throw themselves into what they decide to do with concentrated energy and awesome willpower.  These people make formidable opponents, although often quietly so. They keep their cool and their equilibrium on the surface. Below the surface may be another story, and they are unlikely to easily let you in. Mars in Scorpio has the potential to exploit others—these people see through others, and rely heavily on their gut feelings.

SAGITTARIUS: When Mars in Sagittarius people get angry, they feel like running. They have to do something—not about it, but something else altogether. They don’t have a lot of patience to wait things out. This is where the restless and adventurous nature of Sagittarius comes in. People with this position of Mars should seriously consider physical activity as the best means of anger management, if they don’t already (naturally) do so.

CAPRICORN: Natives with this position have a subdued and controlled style of approaching life. Most don’t come across as particularly enthusiastic; rather, theirs is a low-key but determined energy. Mars in Capricorn natives like to be on top of things. They are generally goal-oriented and focused people who are not afraid of hard work. Most are achievers by nature, and many possess well-defined ambitions—well-defined to themselves more than anything. They’re not particularly flashy people, but their drive to succeed and to make their lives secure is strong, even if it’s not right out there for the world to see.

AQUARIUS: It can be a little difficult to understand exactly what makes a Mars in Aquarius native tick. And that’s absolutely fine with them—they enjoy surprising people. The tried-and-true methods of getting things done are far too boring for those born with Mars in this unique and original sign. Mars in Aquarius natives often have a rather original view of the world as well. These natives are generally quite proud of their independence. They are not easily pushed around with Mars in this fixed sign.

PISCES: Mild-tempered and gentle, these guys and gals move through life in a manner that can hardly be considered direct. Mars is the planet of action and assertion, and Pisces is a passive sign that rarely asserts itself in a direct fashion. So the placement of Mars in Pisces is an unusual combination. Sometimes prone to feelings of guilt about their anger, and difficulties with asserting themselves, Mars in Pisces individuals seem to “go with the flow”. This is certainly not a very active position for Mars, and natives will often let life “happen” instead of trying to control their life direction. This is a charming position, as individuals with Mars in Pisces don’t appear like they are capable of harming a fly. However, those that don’t find creative expression for this energy can stir up a storm through indirect aggression.


The ASCENDANT sign is probably the most abstract of all the elements in understanding one’s birth chart. The ASCENDANT sign (or rising sun as some call it) is characterized by how you come across to others. As Café Astrology defines it, it is the first impression we make on others in a personal rather than professional sense. It represents our physical appearance, our physical bodies and overall health, and often referred to as the mask we wear. It is an extremely important element not to forget when trying to understand people, but again, is difficult to decipher if you don’t have a birth chart calculator. The best one I’ve encountered is located here at Café Astrology: ( But the most important thing about the ASCENDANT is that you must know the time of birth, if you don’t have that, then you won’t be able to figure it out. My ASCENDANT sign is SCORPIO when you plug all my information into this website. Go and figure yours out! Here’s a brief capture of all the ASCENDANT sign meanings:

ARIES: People with Aries Ascendants are direct and quick. Their first instinct is to do, rather than think. Planning ahead? Forget it. Aries rising simply charges forward without much ado.

TAURUS: Slow, steady, and capable are adjectives that we can safely attach to individuals born with a Taurus Ascendant. These natives have tremendous stamina and staying power. They’re often quite loyal to those they care about. Although they generally don’t come on strong, they have personal presence; and they fairly radiate stability.

GEMINI: Those born with Gemini rising see the world as a place to learn. They are curious about the people around them and mostly interested in moving about in their social circles.

CANCER: These people come across as gentle creatures. There’s something familiar about them — they’re the guy or gal next door. When they enter a room, they don’t walk in with a splash. Instead, they move to the sides and weave their way inwards. These people have a familiar feel to them. Because they are rather sensitive to their environment, they can get flustered easily, especially in public.

LEO: Leo rising people cannot help but be noticed. They radiate a special energy and magnetism that gets others’ attention. Sometimes it’s because they are loud people who pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance (especially their hair!); other times it’s due to a regal manner that simply demands interest from others.

VIRGO: Generally, there is an intelligent and reserved aura about Virgo rising individuals that is unmistakable. These are actually somewhat shy people who need time to analyze things around them before they warm up to both situations and people. This quality can be received exactly as that, or it can be received as a rather stand-offish, cool, and even critical manner (depending on the audience).

LIBRA: Everybody seems to like Libra Ascendant natives. They just come across as nice, pleasant, and fair. Look a little closer at their lives, and these nice people may have had quite a few problems in their relationships. Some of them have had a string of relationships, and it can be hard to imagine why! These natives attract others to them effortlessly. Besides, they simply don’t know what to do with themselves without a significant other.

SCORPIO: Scorpio Ascendant people have a lot of presence. There is something about them that tells the world that they are not to be pushed around. Their manner commands respect, and in some cases, fear. Scorpio rising people can be quiet or loud, but they always seem powerful and determined. You either love or hate Scorpio rising people— they are rarely people who go through life unnoticed. In fact, some of them are confused when faced with the fact that they get such strong reactions from others. They seem to look right through people, seeing through superficiality.

SAGITTARIUS: The world is filled with adventure, new things to experience, and, most of all, hope, with this Ascendant. There is an unmistakable faith and enthusiasm with Sagittarius rising people. Grand schemes, big promises, and a willingness to explore and experiment are themes, although follow-through is not a strong characteristic of Sagittarius.

CAPRICORN: There’s a seriousness to Capricorn rising people that is unmistakable. Even when they’re joking around, it’s of the deadpan variety. In fact, plenty of very humorous people have Capricorn Ascendants. It’s all in the timing…and the fact that they don’t giggle before the joke is over. Capricorn Ascendant people project competence. They simply ooze it. They’re generally very image-conscious people–the clothes they wear and their manner are a big deal to them. They want to appear successful, and they generally succeed!

AQUARIUS: How unique and original Aquarius rising natives come across! These individuals are just that — individuals, and they won’t let you forget that fact. Often turned to for advice, these natives possess intellectual poise and savvy. They often are curious, and quite learned, in both science and metaphysics–anything that involves advancement of the human race holds much appeal.

PISCES: “Go with the flow” seems to be a Pisces rising motto. They move about the world in a vaguely directionless, gentle manner. They come across as artists and lovers of peace; but their open minds and hearts can give them a chameleon-like persona. Others are not always sure who they’ll meet from one day to the next with a Pisces rising person. Although often quiet and shy, another day may find them talkative and passionate. They are hugely impressionable, have a dreamy disposition, and project a soft-hearted personality. Pisces rising sees the world the way they want to see it at any given time, so objectivity is not necessarily a strong point. Neither is decision-making!


Mostly people do not know what their MOON sign, or even why the MOON sign is important. I’m here to tell you, it’s very, very important. The MOON represents your emotions. Remember how the SUN represents your personality, well the MOON encompasses your deep emotions, some of which say explains a person even better than a SUN sign does. Hence, this explains why some people do not fall very well under their SUN sign personality. As before I stated that the SUN explains about 50-60% of someone, well the MOON adds on more and together explain about 60-80% of someone. Now the MOON sign is a little more complicated on how to acquire. You need to look up a MOON calculator to know. Here’s one website, but there are countless others. (  Thus, it represents where the moon was located when you were born. So the date is important, as well as the year, location, and time of birth! All essential ingredients, which unfortunately, not everyone knows. So for example, my birth date was February 16, 1981, at 11:55 pm in Le Mars, Iowa. Side note: I was obviously almost born on the 17th and the doctor yelled at my mother, “If you want this baby on the 16th, you better push!” So she did, and I’m much happier with a 16th birth date anyway! I’ll also never forget the time because of that story. It’s unfortunate that so many people do not know their birth time of the day. So back to me, my MOON sign is LEO, which actually really surprised me at first. I don’t feel like I’m anything like a LEO, but the MOON is a little different than the SUN characteristics; remember it’s more about your emotions than personality. Again, here are some things I’ve picked up from talking to people about their MOON signs, as well as some characteristics taken from my favorite website, Café Astrology (

ARIES MOON: Moon in Aries people possess inner passion and fire. Emotional issues take precedence–there is simply no pussy-footing around when it comes to dealing with the feelings. And, dealing with new sentiments and needs stirs up a huge desire for activity. Moon in Aries has a need for acting out their needs, with no time to waste. It is hard for them to see the long-term, or to wait for things to happen. Instant gratification rules!

TAURUS MOON: Since Taurus is a practical earth sign, the placement of the Moon in this sign suggests an ability to protect themselves and their own interests. They will rarely make a move without first determining that it is safe and that there’s something in it for them. Relationships with people born with this position of the Moon are often quite enduring. Many Moon in Taurus people hang onto their mates, even in the face of serious conflict. Taurus is a fixed sign, so break-ups don’t happen easily. Also, I’ve encountered numerous people in which gardening and cooking are very important when relaxing for these people.

GEMINI MOON: Nervousness and worry are common traits with this lunar position. An underlying restlessness is common, and many Lunar Geminis need more stimulation than others. They usually read a lot, talk a lot, and think a lot with this airy, mutable position of the Moon. When problems arise, the first instinct of Moon in Gemini natives is to talk things out. Their tendency to analyze can give them the appearance of emotional detachment. In fact, Lunar Geminis may be especially comfortable talking about their feelings, but feeling their own feelings doesn’t come as easily. Those that don’t take time out to really emote and understand their own needs may end up baffling others. Feeling misunderstood is common for Moon in Gemini natives. The only real solution to the problem is learning to get in touch with their own feelings.

CANCER MOON: This is the most subjective position of the Moon. The Moon is “at home” in the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the natural ruler of the sign.  Moon in Cancer natives have a large potential to be able to get in touch with the feelings and moods of others. Often, they are quite wrapped up in themselves. Their memories of the past are outstanding, especially for all things emotional. Moon in Cancer people are never detached — they cling to things, their home, and people they care for. They seek out security and familiarity in all they do. They look for peace and quiet. Their attachment to all that is safe means they are a little leery of change. These peace-loving souls dislike superficiality in all of its forms. They are devoted and accommodating. One of the most delightful characteristics of Moon in Cancer people is their loony sense of humor. These people can be extraordinarily funny. Their moodiness can baffle others, but their unique outlook on life is something most people can appreciate.

LEO MOON: Moon in Leo people are not necessarily outgoing. When they feel comfortable, they do like being the center of attention. That is, they like being in the “spotlight” in the comfort of their own homes and with family and friends. They enjoy entertaining others, and often take on the role of comic.  Lunar Leos often feel a need to organize, and even control, their families and friends. They have an inner mission to set things right, and generally like to oversee the goings-on in their little circle.  This is a rather creative position of the Moon. At the very least, Moon in Leo people want to create and entertain. They can be rather lazy at times, and a little bossy too. Generally, though, they have a deep need to treat others fairly and justly. Lunar Leos are often personally popular folk who are valued for their integrity and strong sense of justice. Generally, it is easy to reason with a Lunar Lion. Appealing to their well-developed sense of fairness usually works well.

VIRGO MOON: Lunar Virgos find security in the little things in life. They feel most content when they’ve straightened out all the details of everyday life. Many of them enjoy running errands, paying bills, and balancing the books. They take care of these things happily, although some won’t let on. In fact, many Lunar Virgos are quite practiced at nagging and complaining. As long as they are appreciated, however, these people will help you take care of your life, too. They are at their best when they feel useful and needed. If somebody needs help, they are generally the first to jump up and take on the task. Some of the most skeptical people are Lunar Virgos. They can’t help but poke holes when faced with others’ blind faith. Their criticism can be maddening, and their insistence on seeing the practical in anything emotional can be challenging, especially if you are the dreamy type. Also, they hate chaos, although at times creates it!

LIBRA MOON: Moon in Libra people have a strong need for partnership. Without someone to share their lives with, they feel utterly incomplete. This is why many people with this position get involved in marriages or living-together arrangements quite young. Because this drive for harmony, peace, and sharing is so powerful, Lunar Librans are apt to do a lot of conceding. They are sympathetic and concerned for others, enjoy socializing, and revel in a good debate. Mental rapport with others is especially important to them.

SCORPIO MOON: While others may find security and comfort in material things, Moon in Scorpio people seek out emotional intensity. No matter what, there is something very intense about Lunar Scorpios. They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion—they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to “see” what isn’t obvious to the rest of the world can be intimidating to others or wildly attractive, depending on the audience. Moon in Scorpio people often have a strong fear of betrayal. They seek out commitment, and feel the need for a partner to give up something for them. Some will put the people they love through a series of tests, and these are not always conscious. Their apparent suspicion can be trying for the people who love them. However, once committed, Moon in Scorpio people can be the most loyal and protective partners around. Even the shy ones have enormous presence. Their lives are emotion-driven, yet many Moon in Scorpio natives spend a lot of time controlling and mastering their emotions. Their intuition is enormous, although it is sometimes self-serving. Moon in Scorpio people radiate strength. Random, but I’ve found that a lot of them love hot showers, extremely hot showers.

SAGITTARIUS MOON: More than anything, Lunar Sagittarians have a need for personal freedom and space. They are extraordinarily happy and easygoing folk, as long as they don’t feel caged in or cooped up.  Lunar Sagittarians have a simultaneous need for activity. Meeting new people, going out in the world, and travel are all important to their sense of well-being. They love open spaces, and, in their homes, a roomy and bright environment. Many people with this position are outdoorsy types. At the very least, they have a great love for friendly competition. Random, but many of them love horses!

CAPRICORN MOON: Being useful and productive are basic needs for Lunar Capricorns. Because they generally keep their emotions under check, Moon in Capricorn people come across as competent people.  However turbulent their emotions may be under the surface, Lunar Capricorns keep cool-headed—and they come across as steady and reliable people. Messy emotions and “leaky” souls are a bit frightening for most with this position of the Moon. Truth is, they can have plenty of mood swings and some dark emotions now and again. Lunar Capricorns are often quite hard on themselves, and would benefit from letting their guard down once in a while. They quickly garner reputations of being mountains of strength, and they easily hide their sensitivity behind a sarcastic manner.

AQUARIUS MOON: They are life-time students of human nature, loving to analyze why people do what they do. This often stems from a detached— even shy— personality, especially in youth. Whether due to character or conditioning, Moon in Aquarius people often grow up feeling “different”. Although rather sociable, they are often loners at heart. Many have strong egos, or at least powerful defense mechanisms, and most Lunar Aquarians will do their best to be the most unique and unusual person they can be. Their inner feeling of loneliness—that they don’t quite fit in—puts them on the outside, looking in. They often pride themselves for being cool-headed, detached, and “above” what they consider the more base emotions. In the process, they can end up alienating others—and themselves. They make unusual and endlessly interesting people to be around. Life just wouldn’t be the same without Lunar Aquarians’ unusual spin on the world and the people in it!

PISCES MOON: Generally considered soft-hearted and sweet, Lunar Pisceans care about others and are easily touched by human suffering. This tendency gains them the reputation as suckers for sob stories. Although this may sometimes be true, many Lunar Pisceans learn, in their lifetimes, how to discern between sincerity and manipulation. Still, they definitely do have plenty of soft corners. They have an ability to empathize even in the absence of experience gives them an open mind and heart. Most long to express this through writing, music (both listening and making), poetry, and art—in fact, the happiest people with this position do just that. Pisces Moon individuals believe; and, let’s face it, the world needs Piscean leaps of faith.



Ok, so let’s get started. If you know nothing about zodiac signs, or at the very least probably what your SUN sign is, then you’re going to find this super interesting. If you know a lot about Astrology, well then maybe you’ll learn something new in this section, or maybe even nothing, in which I say you should probably just skim it over and move on to a new post!

First of all, most of us know our SUN sign – it’s the most obvious – the day you were born. For example, I was born on February 16, thus my SUN sign is Aquarius, but I also would fall into the Aquarius/Pisces Cusp (but we’ll discuss that later). The SUN sign is definitely important, but not as important as people always think. Yes, it can tell you a lot about a person, but I once read that it really only tells you about 50-60% about someone. It can kind of be a hit or miss. It’s not completely accurate, but still important. The SUN sign represents one’s personality. Also, it’s not going to tell you whether someone likes country vs. hip hop music, or whether someone should play a certain sport. It’s not that detailed. It’s more about temperament I believe, and more about what we are seeking in our relationships emotionally. I think it can typically tell you whether someone is more feisty, emotional, practical, rational, passionate, or a outgoing vs. introverted. It’s more broad defining terms, not specifics. Temperament refers to those aspects of an individual’s personality, such as introversion or extroversion that are often regarded as innate rather than learned. So, when you plug in and have all the information from your birth chart, it can get eerily personal and can explain things about a person that no one else would know – so try it!

I’ll give you my interpretation quickly of each SUN sign (personality) and then paste below more thorough descriptions of each (from Café Astrology) so that you can read your SUN sign and decide how accurately it portrays you.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The most head strong and opinionated people of the Zodiac. When I think of a male, the stereotypical male, who’s hard headed and rough, rugged, and determined, I think of an Aries. But obviously there are female Aries, so I give similar traits to them. You may even call a female Aries the stereotypical “bitch” who doesn’t back down from an argument. These people are spit fires. And that is where they come from: FIRE!

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Aries natives are the first to start—and the first to finish—whatever they set out to do. Aries is an active, energetic sign. People with Sun in Aries are direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated. They expect the same from others, and are baffled when they don’t always get it. Aries enjoys a challenge, and Aries Suns are happiest when their lives are moving forward and active. There’s a childlike quality to all Aries Sun people, and it’s often quite charming.

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them.  They went out and happened to things.” Eleanor Furneaux Smith

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The most stubborn of all the zodiac signs! By far, when someone asks, what’s a Taurus? That’s my first thought. Yes, stubbornness is strong in this personality type. But also, very traditional and intelligent. These people are very practical and most likely to be able to handle the 9-5 job. And, they won’t ever end it with a partner, even if they are miserable. Someone else needs to do that. Again, the most stubborn. They are like their EARTH sign, grounded and won’t budge!

There is something very solid about Taurus natives, no matter what the rest of their charts say about them. Though they are dependable most of the time, this generally shows itself more in habit than in outright helpfulness.

“Live simple, love well, and take time to smell the flowers along the way.” Mark Twain

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Oh boy, if you know a GEMINI, then you probably can’t get a word in. These people are talkers! They love to communicate, which is a quality of the AIR element. I haven’t seen this with every GEMINI I know, but they often say these people have 2 personalities (hence the twin picture), which could mean they are just crazy (multiple personalities) but also that they are the most likely to get along with almost everyone because they have more than 1 side to them.

With the Sun in Gemini, the urge for self-expression is strong. These natives are often just as interested in collecting information as they are in sharing it. Curious to a fault, Geminis have a finger in every pie. Solar Geminis are flexible and changeable people. Their ability to adapt quickly to new situations generally gains them plenty of friends and social contacts. Usually quite clever and witty, Geminis enjoy intellectual conversations and they are easily bored if they are not getting enough mental stimulation.

“There are no uninteresting things, there are only uninterested people.” Gilbert K. Chesterton

CANCER (June 21-July 22): The main characteristic that describes this sign is emotional and moody! They are like their picture, a crab! Man, these people can be quick to change emotions, so you better beware. And if you mess with them or hurt them, don’t ever expect them to forgive you. But one thing I love about these people is that they are quirky! They are some of the funniest and wittiest people in the zodiac.

Sun in Cancer natives have a strong survival instinct. They are protective of those they care about, and of themselves too. They are often quite reticent about sharing their inner selves to the rest of the world, and are often caught up in reminisce. Cancers have a reputation for moodiness, although this trait is most evident when the Moon is in Cancer. Cancer needs roots. They resist change to an extent, and concern themselves about being secure and safe in most everything they do.

“Love…force it and it disappears.  You can not will love, nor even control it.  You can only guide its expression. It comes or it goes according to those qualities in life that invite it or deny its presence.” David Seabury

LEO (July 23-August 20): Who doesn’t love a Leo? Seriously, most Leo’s are the life of the party and so outgoing, friendly, and fun! However, there are negative and positive traits to every sign, and I have met an extremely negative Leo – they are hard to be around! But mostly Leo’s are known for being great leaders because people can’t help but follow them, they are amazing people! A lot of Presidents (Clinton, Obama) and celebrities are Leo’s – and one thing is for sure, we love our celebrities in the West.

There’s an unmistakably regal air to Solar Leos. These are dignified–even noble–folk. Leos have a reputation for being conceited, but think again. Leos do feel important, but this generally takes the form of wanting to change the world in some way–to make the world a better place. They are generally motivated by affection for people, and often have big dreams and plans to make people happy.

“Let your enthusiasm radiate in your voice, your actions, your facial expressions, your personality, the words you use, and the thoughts you think! Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

VIRGO (August 21-September 20): These people are some of the most intelligent in the zodiac, very practical and strong, analytical strengths beyond most. They are usually organized because they like everything a certain way.

Virgo people are generally respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how. There’s an odd combination of the intellectual and the practical in Virgo that is sometimes mistaken for coolness. In fact, Virgos are often self-effacing and shy. They’ll brush off your compliments quickly and, sometimes, critically; but don’t let that fool you. They need your respect and appreciation. In fact, the happiest Virgos are the ones who feel appreciated and useful. Add plenty of worthwhile projects to keep them busy, and Virgos can be some of the sweetest, kindest people around.

“When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty.  I think only how to solve the problem.  But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.” Buckminster Fuller

LIBRA (September 21-October 22): Some of my favorite people are Libras because they are just such good mediators and can see both sides to a story. They are the most diplomatic and fair people in the zodiac. But they are also extremely communicative and love to talk about everything.

Libra natives are generally thought to be sociable, somewhat intellectual souls. They have an almost innocent way about them that makes them very approachable. Generally quite eager to cooperate, Librans spend a lot of their time trying not to rock the boat. “On the fence”, “middle ground”, “middle road” — these are all expressions that we can safely associate with Libra.

“We can choose to throw stones, to stumble on them, to climb over them, or to build with them.” William Arthur Ward

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): In my opinion, these are the most confusing types of people, and not in a bad way, but in the sense that they vary so much! It’s so difficult to tell who a Scorpio is, the most difficult for me to assess anyway. I think it’s because they have the most depth of all the signs. People can fall into the extremes on this sign. They are the most passionate of all the signs. I’ve also read the most jealous and manipulative, but I don’t find that with all of the people I’ve met who are a Scorpio. That’s why it can be difficult to define them. But one thing is for sure, if you mess with them, beware of their stinger!

Scorpios are known for their intensity. They are determined folk that absolutely throw themselves into whatever they do — but getting them to commit to something is rarely an easy task. In fact, it’s better not to even try to “get them” to do anything. Solar Scorpios absolutely have their own mind. And, their primary motivation is unlikely to be prestige, or even authority–it’s real power. Their power can absolutely be of the “behind the scenes” variety, just as long as they have it.

“Everyone has talent.  What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.” Erica Jong

 SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): Some of the friendliest people of the zodiac, but what I think about most is how political they are! These people love a good debate and love to discuss politics, philosophy or controversial topics because they are usually well versed in those areas. They have strong opinions, but aren’t as strong as their sister sign, Aries. They are good leaders, but probably not as good as their other sister sign Leo. However, they are the best at debating. One great example of a Sagittarian is Jon Stewart of the Daily Show – a true essential Sagittarian!

Restless, cheerful, and friendly, Sun in Sagittarius people are generally on the go. They have a love of freedom, and a disdain for routine. Generally quite easygoing, Sagittarians make friends with people from all walks of life. They love to laugh and tease, and get along well with both sexes.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” Henry David Thoreau

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): The hardest working people in the zodiac, hands down. When you meet a Capricorn, they are probably likely to be called workaholics. They are very practical and hard headed (but not as bad as a Taurus), and also known to be romantic in their own ways – not the flashy type, but in a more practical manner. They’ll lavish a romantic partner in practical ways (do you need a new vacuum cleaner?).

Capricorn is a feet-on-the-ground, eye-on-the-prize sign. Those with Sun in Capricorn have a realistic, grounded approach to life that can be seen no matter how dreamy the rest of the birth chart suggests. These people know how to do things, and to get things done.

 “Success doesn’t mean the absence of failures; it means the attainment of ultimate objectives.  It means winning the war, not every battle.” Edwin C. Bliss

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): Ah, my favorite sign, well because it’s me! It encompasses me completely. Obviously these people are awesome (LOL!), they are some of the most intelligent and unique individuals in the zodiac. They love to talk about everything, hence communicate (an AIR sign). But they are super stubborn as well and value independence so much that it borders on insanity. They are so ruled by their rational mind that they have a difficult time being emotional or relating to people who are emotional. Thus, they have a few negative traits too! Also, I’ve read that Aquarians feel like aliens from another planet – they just feel out of place. They are also the most likely to be ahead of their time, very progressive individuals, who think differently from others, who eventually catch up!

One of the standout characteristics of those born under the Sun Sign of Aquarius is their unwillingness to follow the beaten track. With advancement and progress on their minds, there can be an irreverence to old and outdated ways of thinking and doing things. Aquarians need space and value personal freedom. Any attempt to box them in will likely fail. They’ll happily return the favor; and they will treat people from all walks of life as equals. Equality and fairness are hallmarks of the sign. If you’re quirky and “different”, all the better.

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.  Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.” Henry David Thoreau

PISCES (February 19-March 20): The most sensitive people in the zodiac. Try not to hurt these people’s feelings, even though it may be hard to do unintentionally. But besides being overly emotional (WATER sign), they are some of the most loving and sympathetic people. They are the most adaptable of all the signs. And, interestingly the most likely to be psychic! One pattern I’ve found is that a lot of comedians are PISCES, which surprised me (they are sensitive!), but in a way it makes sense because they are empathetic and able to know what people would find funny in a given situation. Examples: Chelsea Handler.

As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains within itself a little experience of all the signs. This gives Pisces Suns the ability to identify with people from all walks of life–from all backgrounds–in some way. These individuals are not only changeable and adaptable, they have open minds and tremendous understanding. But Pisces itself is often misunderstood. Pisces Suns may spend a good portion of their lives yearning for understanding, and the other part in a state of divine discontent. Suffering is sometimes glamorized in the Piscean world.

“Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and the wrong. Sometime in life you will have been all of these.” Robert Goddard